Caregiver benefits
If you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile accident in Ontario, you are most likely looking into what coverage you have through your insurance company.
In Ontario, accident benefits are available to Ontario drivers. Whether you are at fault or not in the accident, your Ontario insurance policy will provide you with certain accident benefits. One accident benefit that you may need is Caregiver Benefits. If before your accident you were providing full-time care to dependants and you no longer can as the result of your automobile accident, you may be eligible for caregiver benefits in the instance that you need to hire someone to step in, take over and care for your dependants. The maximum amount for caregiver benefits is $250 each week for one dependant, and another $50 each week for each additional dependant.
Catastrophic injury and caregiver benefits
The caregiver benefits are available to catastrophically injured accident victims. In the event that you have suffered a serious injury but are not deemed to be catastrophically injured, you may still access caregiver benefits if you have purchased the “top-up” and extended your accident benefits coverage. These additional accident benefits are optional benefits and may not be for everyone.
As a personal injury lawyer, I meet with people every day who have purchased the additional accident benefits and have had to use them. In a time of need, they can make all the difference. If you are wondering whether or not you can receive these accident benefits, give us a call and we can help you figure it out. After an accident, figuring out your best options in Ontario accident benefits is the last thing you need. It’s time to focus on yourself, and your family and recover. You owe it to yourself.