Our Injury Lawyers Know the Effects a Sexual Assault Can Have on an Individual and Their Family
Sexual assault transpires in many different scenarios, and we know that one incident can change your life. We understand sexual assault is an invasive act that often leaves brutal physical injuries and profound emotional pain. It’s not uncommon for people who have been sexually assaulted to develop debilitating psychological illnesses like depression and anxiety, or intense feelings of guilt, anger, and sadness. As an experienced Ottawa assault lawyer, I work closely with our clients and understand that opening up about your experience is never easy.
An Ottawa assault lawyer can help you rebuild after a sexual assault
Opening up about sexual assault isn’t easy. We care about what you’ve been through and will help you put this in the past and help rebuild your future. We can help. We work with some of the top medical professionals experienced with sexual assault in Ottawa and throughout Ontario. We’ll gather the evidence to secure maximum compensation for your pain and suffering. If you wish, we can also set you up with some of the best counsellors and therapists anywhere from Ottawa to Toronto.
We understand you are suffering from a sexual assault. We can’t change the past but we can help change your future.