Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers Ottawa

Everything changes with a spinal injury.

Request A Free Consultation

Our lawyers will travel to your home, hospital, or rehabilitation centre throughout eastern Ontario. You don’t pay until you get paid.

Our Team Is Experienced in Spinal Injuries and Catastrophic Injuries

From paralysis and the loss of independence to rehabilitation and health care costs, a spinal cord injury can change your life dramatically. Since 1999, we have been helping people and we know firsthand how emotionally and physically demanding this catastrophic injury is on everyone; including family. Your life has been turned upside down, you are suffering and you don’t know where to start. Our lawyers have helped hundreds of people in Ontario. We understand what you are going through and we can help you and your family.

Our lawyers can help you make sense of your injury and your options.

Typically, there are two types of spinal cord injury: A complete spinal cord injury generally results in total loss of sensation and paralysis below the affected area, while an incomplete spinal cord injury brings only partial or temporary afflictions. Paraplegia (paralysis below the waist) and quadriplegia (paralysis below the neck), nerve damage, muscle atrophy, breathing difficulty, and contusions are only some of the effects of spinal cord damage. We can help you understand your unique injury and what kind of compensation, services, and supports are available to you.

Contact our team for a Free Consultation

If you’ve been injured in an accident, please contact us free of charge to discuss how we can help you get the compensation and care you need to enjoy a comfortable quality of life.

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A spinal injury runs deeper than insurance settlements and we understand this.

We understand that obtaining an insurance settlement is only one piece of the puzzle and that the complex nature of a spinal cord injury often requires long-term planning. Our lawyers work alongside top Ontario health care professionals to not only help you select a high-quality rehabilitation program but determine your life-long health care needs. We’ll also help you work through insurance and accident benefits claims so you can start rebuilding your life, modifying your home, and securing your future. It’s our goal to help you rebuild your life and start your new life with support, structures and maximum compensation in place. We will work with you, your family, and your medical team to make sure every last detail is taken care of. It’s important that this is done right and you owe it to yourself and your family to get all the supports and compensation you need. Let us do that for you and your family.

Contact our lawyers for a free consultation.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury, contact us to discuss how we can help you start rebuilding your life with support, care, modifications, services and compensation you and your family need to enjoy a comfortable quality of life.

We are Ottawa personal injury lawyers who understand, who care, who are here to help… and our track record proves it.

Spinal Injury Facts: (statistics from the Spinal Cord Injury of Ontario website)

  • 55 % of spinal cord injuries are from motor vehicle accidents.
  • 84 % of injuries occur to people under the age of 34.
  • Spinal cord injury is one of the most traumatic events to occur in an individual’s life.
  • 18 % of injuries are sustained by unintentional falls.
  • On average, it takes 2 to 3 years to attain sufficient independence following a serious injury of this nature.
  • In Ontario, approximately 600,000 people (7%) of the population, live with paralysis or permanent mobility impairment.
  • Serious injuries affect family, friends, employers, community, and the health care system.
  • The unemployment rate for people with a spinal cord injury is 62 %.
  • Paraplegia is the loss of sensation and movement in legs and in part of all the trunk, usually resulting from an injury to the spinal cord below the neck.
  • A serious injury can cost between $1.25 million and $25 million over an individual’s lifetime, depending on the severity of the injury.
  • 8 – to – 10% of our population has a mobility impairment
  • There are 350-400 new spinal cord injuries every year in Ontario and current estimates indicate that there are approximately 12,000 Ontarians living with a spinal cord injury.

David Hollingsworth wins at the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

David represented and helped a family receive the limits in benefits for a young paraplegic woman, who was being denied insurance coverage. The family’s home insurance policy was made to pay for losses suffered when their daughter was visiting, fell through a balcony railing, suffered a spinal cord injury and became a paraplegic.

We fought hard and were pleased to have been able to help this family get some much needed funding for rehabilitation and medical needs to help with her injury.
– David Hollingsworth

As Seen On:

CTV Ottawa Citizen The Globe and Mail CBC Law Times 1310 News Ottawa Sun Kitchisippi Times Logo Rogers TV Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Settlements vary depending on the severity of the injury and how it affects the life of the injured. Some people with a spinal cord injury may never work again, their relationships suffer, and they require 24 hours of care daily. In these cases, the average settlement is typically in the millions of dollars.

It’s important you find an experienced lawyer and one that you feel comfortable with. Spinal cord injuries are some of the most serious and catastrophic injuries resulting from an accident.

Our Ottawa injury lawyers have helped thousands of people with their accident claims. Several of these have been back injury claims and each claim back injury lawsuit has been different.

Maybe. If you can show that another party is partially to blame for your injury then you may be entitled to compensation. For example, was the other driver partially at fault? Was the area where the injury occurred safe? Were there any defects in the equipment, cars involved in the accident? There are many factors that need to be examined when it comes to determining who is responsible. Spinal cord injury lawsuits with catastrophic injuries are very elaborate lawsuits. Contact one of our injury lawyers to discuss the facts of your potential lawsuit.

Most spinal cord injuries are deemed catastrophic, but not all. A catastrophic injury is generally defined as a severe injury that results in long-term or permanent debilitations. Most catastrophic injuries affect the spine, spinal cord, vital organs, skull and brain, body parts and leaves a serious impairment. In Ontario, there are specific criteria that must be met for a spinal injury to be considered a catastrophic injury.

Auto and motorcycle accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries, accounting for almost half of the new spinal cord injuries in Canada each year.

Symptoms of a spinal injury may include partial or complete loss of sensory function or motor control of arms, legs, and/or body. The most severe spinal cord injury affects the systems that regulate bowel or bladder control, breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Most people with spinal cord injury experience chronic pain. We believe that it's a personal injury lawyer’s job to ensure that our clients receive the proper compensation for their spinal cord injury, while at the same time our spinal cord injury lawyers are here to help you get your life back on track as best as possible.

We are lawyers who understand, who care, who are here to help… and our track record proves it.
We can’t change the past but we can help change your future.